Diana Teixeira

Diana Teixeira was born in April 1985 in Porto, Portugal; graduated in Food Science, at Faculty of Nutrition and Food Science University of Porto (FCNAUP, 2009); and obtained the degree of Doctor (PhD) Biomedicine, at Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto (FMUP, 2015), under the theme "Unravelling the role of estrogens and xenoestrogens in adipose tissue-originated inflammation". Part of this work was performed at the INSERM 858, Toulouse, France with supervision of Dr. Anne Bouloumié. During the PhD at the Department of Biochemistry, FMUP, she was a volunteer teacher in the Biochemistry laboratory classes, MSc Degree in Medicine (2009 to 2014). After the PhD completion, she joined the CINTESIS (Center for Health Technology and Services Research) as a research collaborator of the ProNutri group (2014). From September 2014 – july 2015 she was an Invited Assistant Professor at the Universidade Atlântica, Barcarena, Licenciateship in Nutritional Sciences. During the period of October 2014 - February 2015, she was a consultant for the Directorate-General of Health (DGS - Portuguese Ministry of Health) in the context of "The National Programme for the Promotion of Healthy Eating (PNPAS)". From September 2015 – February 2017 she was Invited Adjunt Professor at the Escola Superior de Saúde, Universidade do Algarve, Licenciateship in Dietetics and Nutrition Currently, she is an Invited Assistant Professor in NMS, and researcher in Comprehensive Health Research Centre (CHRC) and CINTESIS with several articles published, specially over the effect of endocrine disruptors in the development of metabolic disease, particularly obesity and metabolic syndrome-related pathologies. She was involved in the creation of Unidade Universitária Lifestyle Medicine da José de Mello Saúde by NOVA Medical School at Hospital CUF Infante Santo where she gives nutritional consultations |professional ID - 1230 N|and is the Associate Director of the National Program for the Promotion of Healthy Eating at the Directorate-General of Health. Diana Teixeira has not only expertise in clinical practice but has also a broad and established experience in basic science and research.